What are the ABCs of tax justice?

The ABCs of tax justice are three transparency measures designed tackle corporate and private tax abuse and other corruption: automatic exchange of information, beneficial ownership registration and country by country reporting.

Automatic exchange of information is a data sharing practice that prevents corporations and individuals from abusing bank accounts they hold abroad to hide the true value of their wealth for and to pay less tax than they should at home. Learn more about this here.

Beneficial ownership registration is the practice of registering the identify of companies and other legal vehicles’ beneficial owners. A beneficial owner is the real person, made of flesh and blood, who ultimately owns, controls or receives profits from a company or legal vehicle, even when the company, on paper, legally belongs to another person, like an accountant or a shell company. Learn more about this here.

Public country by country reporting is an accounting practice designed to expose multinational corporations that are shifting profit into tax havens for the purpose of paying less tax than they should. Learn more about this here.